The highest quality speaker driver units that you can find.


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Cardas CGMXLR, Rhodium contact surfaces. Pure, non- magnetic, eutectic billet Brass, Gold and Rhodium over Silver platings. These connectors have a unique end shielding technique that blocks RF and Clock signals.
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Product Specifications
Manufacturer CARDAS
Summary CG M XLR Rhodium contact surfaces. Pure, non- magnetic, eutectic billet Brass, Gold and Rhodium over Silver platings. These connectors have a unique end shielding technique that blocks RF and Clock signals. Cardas manufactures premium XLR plugs for our Clear Interconnect cable. We also make chassis mount XLR jacks. All of which are available to OEM/DIY customers. Our XLR connectors provide excellent RFI/EMI protection. Cardas XLR connectors are sold individually, in single units. Materials: Cardas XLR plugs & jacks are machined from billet brass, with FEP dielectric material insulating the contact surfaces. Platings: Contact surfaces are plated with silver & a rhodium flash. Outer barrels are gold plated.


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