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Cardas ROLLSLDR100, Ultra pure, tin/silver/copper, Quadeutectic .032 solder, activated rosin core or organic water base flux. 113g.
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Product Specifications
Manufacturer CARDAS
Summary Quad Eutectic Solder 1/4lbs / 113g U.S.A.

Ultra pure, tin/silver/copper, Quadeutectic .032 solder, activated rosin core or organic water base flux. 113g.

Description: A proprietary blend of copper, silver, tin, and lead.

Proprietary as in "please don't ask for the recipe because we're not telling."

No other solder flows as well, solidifies as uniformly, sounds as good or provides as durable and long lasting solder joints. There's a reason Quad Eutectic is considered the best in audio, and is widely used outside of our industry as well.

Quad Eutectic Solder was developed in the early days of Cardas Audio when George Cardas realized that the available solders on the market - from hardware store grade to expensive silver-heavy solders - all had shortcomings that lead to degradation in sound quality & long-term reliability. He worked with an English metallurgist to arrive at the perfect blend of elements. 

The four elements in Quad Eutectic Solder are in specific proportion to melt and solidify at a temperature lower than that of any of the component metals! Thus the resultant joint is contiguous  from wire to connector rather than slurry - this provides a perfect and permanent connection that will never breakdown over time.

Quad Eutectic Solder has a rosin core, and has a melting point of 350º F (177º C). Available on 1/4 pound and 1 pound spools.

Please note: The label on Cardas Quad Eutectic Solder is changed on occasion. If you have a spool with a label that differs from what you see on this page, that does not mean your solder is counterfeit. As long as you buy from an authorized dealer, you're getting genuine Cardas Quad Eutectic Solder, regardless of the label.

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