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The Mullard GZ34 is an ultra efficient indirectly heated dual diode, full-wave vacuum rectifier. Providing a mere 10V drop in B+ (plate voltage) at full current demand, this rectifier insures a strong, dynamic response to your sound. An excellent and reliable choice, the Mullard GZ34 comes with a classic "coin" shaped octal base, dual getters for a more pure vacuum, dual mica spacers and full 30mm length internal plate structures. This tube is an excellent replacement of any GZ34 and 5AR4 rectifier tube.
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Product Specifications
Manufacturer MULLARD
Summary GZ34 / 5AR4

The Mullard GZ34 is an ultra efficient indirectly heated dual diode, full-wave vacuum rectifier. Providing a mere 10V drop in B+ (plate voltage) at full current demand, this rectifier insures a strong, dynamic response to your sound. An excellent and reliable choice, the Mullard GZ34 comes with a classic "coin" shaped octal base, dual getters for a more pure vacuum, dual mica spacers and full 30mm length internal plate structures. This tube is an excellent replacement of any GZ34 and 5AR4 rectifier tube.

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