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Tung-Sol KT150, this is the most powerful octal base beam tetrode ever produced. (Matched Pair)
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Product Specifications
Manufacturer Tung-Sol
Summary KT150 (Matched Pair)

With an internal plate length of 55mm and a massive plate dissipation of 70 watts (a KT88 is typically only 35mm and 42W), the Tung-Sol KT150 is the most powerful octal base beam tetrode ever produced. A pair of KT150's are capable of producing 300W of audio power. The thick glass envelope has a futuristic "egg" shape structure which improves thermal dissipation and provides the strength needed for a superior vacuum. The Tung-Sol KT150 is built to survive the most demanding audio environments possible. The overall sound of the KT150 is thunderously powerful. The bass is tight, full, and precise with a neutral midrange and transparent high end clarity. The dynamics are unlike anything we have ever heard before. This is truly the tyrannosaurus rex of beam tetrodes. Because each KT150 consumes 2.0A of filament current (more than the KT88 and 6550), we recommend contacting your equipment manufacturer to insure your power supply is capable of powering this tube. Additionally, this tube is 5-1/2" from bottom of base (not including pins) to the top of the glass. Insure you system has at least 6-1/2" of clearance from top of the tube socket to the overhead limit. There must be room allowed for both tube installation and cooling. If your sound demands the most, this is the tube. Tung Sol KT150 power pentode tube. Made in Russia. With a massive plate dissipation of 70 watts, the Tung-Sol KT150 is the most powerful octal beam tetrode ever produced. A pair of KT150s can allow an amplifier with a power output approaching 300 watts to be built. The Tung-Sol KT150 glass envelope is a special egg shaped balloon that was developed to improve thermal dissipation and maintain a superior vacuum for the best sound. The fact that the glass envelope has no flat sides means the Tung-Sol KT150 has no problems with microphonics.  

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