PEARL MCF-9, Tube Cooler for Small 9 Pin Signal Tubes.
Sizes, fitted tubes, cooling specs & minimum "glass-to-glass" spacing.
Compatible with the following Tubes:
EF86, 6267, 6F22, M8195,
6DJ8, 6922, 7308, ECC88, E188CC,
6FQ7, 6CG7,
12AT7, 6060, 6201, 6679, ECC81, E81CC, M8162, ECC801S
12AU7, 5814, 6067, 6189, 6680, ECC82, M8136, ECC802S
12AX7, 5751, 6057, 6681, 7025, 7247, ECC83, M8137, ECC803S
12AY7, 6072
7788, E810F
and same size tubes.
.PEARL TUBE COOLERS have been doubling the service life of hot-running audio vacuum tubes for 35 years, during which time over 50,000 pieces have been fitted into audio systems worldwide. If every fitted tube cooler extended a tube's service life by only 1,000 hours the use of PEARL TUBE COOLERS has resulted in a conservatively estimated 50 million additional hours of vacuum tube service life.
. . . .Almost certainly the longest running, best documented, best warranted and most successful tube audio accessory of all time, PEARL TUBE COOLERS have inspired several over-priced, under-performing imitators none of which combines the functions of cooling and modest microphonic reduction, nor anything like the cost/benefit ratio achieved by the long-established PEARL design.
. . . .Continuously refined, our heatsink design has evolved from an oxide blackened, louvered fin device with black EDPM O-rings — later found to have inadequate long-term thermal withstand — to the present day solid copper device with 3D-contoured, contiguous fins coated with 2 mils of high metal content, high temperature powder coat and held in place by high thermal withstand, red-orange, silicone O-rings.
. . . With heat from the within tube’s envelope and pressure from the external O-rings the powder coat slightly softens to then flow in a conformal manner with an intimate thermal interface and unmatched microphonic control resulting.